PCR-WA-069 (Renton)
Main Content

Senior Members

Emergency Services

  • There are numerous possibilities for emergency services support.
  • Train to become a mission scanner or observer aircrew.
  • Airborne photography for disaster assessment.
  • Participate in ground team search missions.
  • Provide disaster relief for communities in need of assistance.


  • Volunteer with your skills to advance aviation awareness in the community and with our cadets.
  • Become an orientation pilot to provide orientation rides to cadets under 18 (200 hrs PIC minimum).
  • Train to become a mission pilot for emergency services missions and other missions assigned by the Air Force.

Professional Development

  • Advance through the ranks of the senior member professional development program as you complete training related to your duty assignments and specialty track.
  • No matter your background, you will likely find a specialty track that is well suited to your interests.


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